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Jurgens du Toit.
Systems Developer.
Problem Solver.

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Technology and Solving Problems are my passion. I'm a South African that loves my wife, life, and coding.

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The Logstash Config Guide

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03 January 2014

MS-SQL Stored Procedures in Sequel: Getting the value of output variables

By Jurgens du Toit

We had the opportunity to muck around with a couple of technologies at Tutuka the last few weeks. I managed to do some work with Ruby, specifically Sinatra and Sequel. We use MS-SQL extensively and eventually we ran into an issue where we couldn’t get the values of output variables from stored procedures. After extensive googling we found out that it’s not supported. There were a couple of clues on how it might be done (particularly this TinyTDS Issue), so after chatting with Jeremy (the maintainer of Sequel) I decided to try and the necessary support.

It Worked!

I was relatively surprised on how easy it was. As of yesterday (2014-01-02) it’s now part of the Sequel version 4.6

Add Database#call_mssql_sproc on MSSQL for calling stored procedures and handling output parameters (jrgns, jeremyevans) (#748)

How to use it

You can get a good idea on how to use it from the documentation, but here’s a summary.

Let’s say your stored procedure is defined as follows:

  @Input varchar(25),
  @Output int OUTPUT
  SET @Output = LEN(@Input)

If you don’t care about the type or the name of the output variable, execution is as simple specifying that an argument is an output parameter by passing the :output symbol as the argument value.

DB.call_mssql_sproc(:SequelTest, {:args => ['Input String', :output]})

> {:result => 0, :numrows => 1, :var1 => "1"}

The result and numrows element will contain the result code returned by the stored proc and the number of rows affected respectively.

If you need to specify the type of the output variable, do so by specifying the second element of the array:

DB.call_mssql_sproc(:SequelTest, {:args => ['Input String', [:output, 'int']]})

> {:result => 0, :numrows => 1, :var1 => 1}

If you need to specify the name of the output variable, do so by specifying the third element of the array:

DB.call_mssql_sproc(:SequelTest, {:args => ['Input String', [:output, nil, 'output']]})

> {:result => 0, :numrows => 1, :output => "1"}


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